Reaching the World for Christ...
One Child at a Time

From its beginning, Accelerated Christian Education® has maintained high Biblical and academic standards and remained committed to setting children on a path for success. The goal is the same today: to prepare children for the world today and give them the academic and spiritual tools necessary to achieve their God-given potential.
A.C.E. Diagnosis and Prescription
Are your students really mastering basic math, English, social studies, science, and spelling skills? Could there be some learning gaps that have not been identified? Accelerated Christian Education® diagnostic testing begins with simple concepts and continues through more advanced thinking. Successful completion of the tests indicates readiness for high school level curriculum.
A doctor must diagnose a patient’s physical needs before prescribing proper treatment. In much the same way, a student’s academic needs must be diagnosed before proper curriculum can be prescribed. Proper academic diagnosis and prescription is vital to a student’s achievement.
Each student entering the A.C.E. program is given diagnostic tests to determine skill and concept mastery. The diagnostic tests assist the evaluator in determining the student’s academic needs in each subject. After the student completes the diagnostic testing, he is given curriculum that meets and challenges him at his performance level.
Four academic areas are tested: math Levels 1-9, English Levels 1-8, reading Levels 1-8 (science, social studies, Bible Reading, and Literature and Creative Writing), and spelling Levels 2-9. These tests cover basic skills normally mastered before high school.
When weak areas are evident from the testing, the appropriate gap PACEs are prescribed to strengthen specific weaknesses. After completing the gap PACEs, the student progresses at his performance level. If he demonstrates mastery at all levels of testing, he has the ability to function at his chronological grade level.